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Rainha do mar
Carolina Soares
Quando a maré baixar
When the tide is low
Vá lhe visitar
Go and visit hier
Vá lhe fazer devoção
Go and give her devotion
Vá lhe presentear
Go and give her gifts
No mar
In the sea
Mora Iemanjá
Lives Iemanjá
No mar
In the sea
Mora Iemanjá
Lives Iemanjá
Vários negros foram pro Brasil
Many black people went to Brazil
Bantus, Nagôs e iorubás
Bantus, Nagôs and iorubás
Dentro do navio negreiro
In the slave ship
Deixaram suas lágrimas correr no mar
Let their tears flow into the sea
No mar
In the sea
Mora Iemanjá
Lives Iemanjá
No mar
In the sea
Mora Iemanjá
Lives Iemanjá
Sua lágrima que correu no mar
The tear that ran into the sea
Tocou no peito de Iemanjá
Touched the heart of Iemanjá
Ela podia mudar a maré
She could change the tide
Fazer meu navio voltar pre Guiné
And make the ship return to Guinea
Quando a maré baixar
Vá lhe visitar
Vá lhe fazer devoção
Vá lhe presentear
No mar
Mora Iemanjá
No mar
Mora Iemanjá
Vários negros foram pro Brasil
Bantus, Nagôs e iorubás
Dentro do navio negreiro
Deixaram suas lágrimas correr no mar
No mar
Mora Iemanjá
No mar
Mora Iemanjá
Sua lágrima que correu no mar
Tocou no peito de Iemanjá
Ela podia mudar a maré
Fazer meu navio voltar pre Guiné
When the tide is low
Go and visit hier
Go and give her devotion
Go and give her gifts
In the sea
Lives Iemanjá
In the sea
Lives Iemanjá
Many black people went to Brazil
Bantus, Nagôs and iorubás
In the slave ship
Let their tears flow into the sea
In the sea
Lives Iemanjá
In the sea
Lives Iemanjá
The tear that ran into the sea
Touched the heart of Iemanjá
She could change the tide
And make the ship return to Guinea
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