Chama um bombeiro

Chama um bombeiro
Call a fireman
Isso aqui vai pegar fogo
This here is going to catch fire
Chama um bombeiro
Call a fireman
Isso aqui vai pegar fogo
This here is going to catch fire
Vai pegar
It's going to catch
Vai pegar fogo
It's going to catch fire
Vai pegar
It's going to catch
Vai pegar fogo
It's going to catch fire

  1. Chama um bombeiro
  2. Isso aqui vai pegar fogo
  3. Chama um bombeiro
  4. Isso aqui vai pegar fogo
  5. Vai pegar
  6. Vai pegar fogo
  7. Vai pegar
  8. Vai pegar fogo

  1. Call a fireman
  2. This here is going to catch fire
  3. Call a fireman
  4. This here is going to catch fire
  5. It's going to catch
  6. It's going to catch fire
  7. It's going to catch
  8. It's going to catch fire